Rogers Colloquium

What is the Rogers Colloquium?

The David Rogers Health Policy Colloquium, a weekly lunch time seminar series, is named after the late Dr. David Rogers, an internationally renowned physician, educator, and humanitarian. The Colloquium provides an informal forum for invited speakers to present an overview of their work in progress, followed by a question and discussion period. While at Weill Cornell during the last decade of his life, Dr. Rogers established an informal discussion group to which he invited friends and other visitors to discuss their involvement with research, clinical programs or demonstration projects. The unique feature of this discussion group was the emphasis on audience participation, both in the form of questions and answers and statement of opinions. When Dr. Rogers died in 1994, the regular attendees of the discussion group decided to form an Advisory Board and continue the weekly exchange of ideas. Thus, the David Rogers Health Policy Colloquium was born.

What is the Content of the Colloquium?

The overall theme of the Colloquium is health care policy broadly defined. Issues in domestic health policy, such as access to health care, health care disparities, health care reform, pharmaceutical policy, ethical issues are discussed. In addition, the Colloquium includes global health policy topics, such as comparative health care systems, the WHO essential drugs program, the relationship of resource rich and resource poor countries and cutting edge issues as they arise.

Who attends the Rogers Colloquium?

The attendees of the Colloquium include junior and senior faculty from basic science to clinical and public health departments, medical students, residents, postdoctoral fellows, nurses, college and hospital administrators, and pastoral providers. As such, the Rogers Health Policy Colloquium is one of the most interdisciplinary forums at the Medical Center.

What is the Colloquium Commitment?

All Colloquium members (excluding students) are asked to make a commitment to attend at least 50% of all Colloquium sessions each year. Colloquium members are asked for a voluntary, tax-deductible contribution of $200 per year.

"In recent years, we have done much hand-wringing in medicine about our fall from grace as competition, micro-management, and more and more regulations have entered our hallowed world. As a profession, we have done too little to demonstrate our social conscience, our commitment to our patients and the welfare of the broader community I believe we have a collective responsibility as a profession to be social activists."

David Rogers, M.D.

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