Oral Presentation Guidelines

Oral presentations will be 8 minutes each with 2 minutes for questions. Please submit your PowerPoint file to mrasubmission@gmail.com by 12:00 pm (noon) the day before your presentation.

Poster Presentation Guidelines

Posters should be 3 feet tall by 3 feet wide. If you poster is larger and does not fit on the assigned poster board, there will be ample space to mount on the walls near the poster session location. Traditional posters should be posted on the board in the 7th floor skyway corresponding to your poster number by Thursday morning (8/22). In addition, please prepare a one slide, one minute PowerPoint presentation to introduce your poster and submit it by 12:00 pm (noon) on Wednesday 8/21 to mrasubmission@gmail.com . The use of movies in your PowerPoint slide is encouraged!


Please submit abstract inquires to: mrasubmission@gmail.com. A pdf of abstract's from the 2013 conference can be found here.
The CME Disclsoure form can be found here.